We begin tomorrow! We have added some instructions so that you can join this event, either in-person or virtually. Since the capacity of the Yelizcalli Auditorium is limited, no more than 80…
Recent News
Registration is open
We are in the final stretch toward the workshop in memory of Richard Lewontin, and we are happy to inform you that the registration is open. If you want to be part…
SSE International Event
We are happy to inform you that the workshop has been recognized with an International Event Grant by the Society for the Study of Evolution. We are very grateful for this, since…
Selected participants
Thank you very much to all who submitted their proposals for participating in the Workshop. It is a pleasure for us to announce the list of participants that were selected by the…
Call for Applications is open
Beginning today and until June 15, 2022, you can submit your application to participate in the workshop. Please notice that the workshop will be a small gathering (between 20 and 30 participants),…
ISHPSSB Off-Year Workshop
We are excited to share with you the news that the workshop proposal was selected to be a 2022 ISHPSSB Off-Year Workshop. Besides the honor which this means, it also implies that…